Discover e-Campsis

e-Campsis is a free web application developed by Calvagone that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for setting up population PK/PD simulations. The app is built on the R-package campsis, which serves as a powerful frontend for running model-based simulations using mrgsolve or rxode2.

e-Campsis free screenshot

Want to try out? Click here or click on the screenshot above to test the free version and enjoy the power of e-Campsis.

The app consists of 4 main sections:

  • Model: a powerful model editor to edit your Campsis model online. Try out one of the numerous models available from the library and adapt it to your needs.
  • Trial design: an easy-to-use interface to quickly set-up the dosing regimen, observation times and covariates.
  • Simulation: a single screen dedicated to the simulation configuration and visualization of the results. Explore different scenarios of parameter settings quickly and interactively.
  • Download: last but not least, download the model, parameters and the whole code of the simulation to reproduce what you see in the app on your computer using the open-source package campsis.

Click here for a short video explaining how to set-up and run your first simulation.



0,- €

  • Extensive library of PK and PD models
  • Easy set-up of scenarios
  • Customizable trial designs
  • Basic customization options for plots
  • Simulate 50 subjects and 100 observations per arm
  • Up to 4 arms or scenarios (combined)
  • Download of campsis simulation code for offline execution
  • Support via github issues
  • Free to everyone without registration


0,- €

Same features as in free plus:

  • 16 arms or scenarios (combined)
  • 100 subjects/arm and 250 observations/arm
  • Free for registered users

Click on the link below to send us a pre-filled email and you will get an invitation to register as soon as possible:


990 495,- €

per year & user**

Same features as in free+ plus:

  • Save/load e-Campsis projects
  • NONMEM code import
  • Number of arms, scenarios, subjects, observations only limited by memory
  • Advanced customization of plots
  • NCA & summary statistics
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Forest plots
  • Upload of external data for plotting*
  • Bootstrap covariates from NHANES
  • Replicate simulation with parameter uncertainty
  • Import Monolix simulation code*
  • Personalized support via email

Subscribe today by filling out this order form and sending it to:

or contact us for a live demo or a trial version of e-Campsis pro.

*Under development. ** excl.VAT. Includes a 50% discount for early adopters! Discounts for multiple users available.


The following section lists a few pre-configured example cases we have prepared for you to get an idea of e-Campsis’ capabilities. Just click on the titles and you will be redirected to the app.

Christmas party simulator (alcohol PK)

We have implemented the alcohol popPK model recently published by Büsker et al. 2023. It nicely illustrates the impact of non-linear PK on the blood concentrations, especially for repeated doses of your favorite Christmas drink. German Glühwein, Christmas Punch and the Swedish Glögg are given as examples, however, you can simply change the dose (i.e. amount of alcohol per serving) to simulate other beverages. We assumed the actual drinking of of a ‘dose’ to be a zero-order infusion into the gut with a duration of 0.5 hours. Feel free to adapt if you are a faster/slower drinker. The frequency at which you hit the bar and the number of drinks can be adjusted in the ‘Dose interval’ and ‘Additional doses’ fields. You will see that it is good idea to have a proper meal before going to the party. But note that we assume that the food-effect lasts only 3 hours (FOOD_DUR). Click here for a short explainer video.

We wish you a lot of fun at your next party. And please don’t drink and drive.

Simple dose reponse model

This is a straight-forward example of a sigmoidal dose-response model to illustrate how you can easily simulate non-longitudinal models with e-Campsis. In the present case we use a dosing compartment where the amount per arm is injected as a bolus. Since we have no time-dependency, we only need to specify a single observation time point.

PBPK-TMDD model (Cao et al. 2013)

This model is an adaptation of the second-generation minimal PBPK model for monoclonal antibodies initially described by Cao et al. 2013 and later refined and applied to interspecies-scaling by Zhao et al. 2015. Physiological parameters like lymph or plasma flow and volumes are scaled by body weight, to allow simple scaling between species on the basis of body weight. Binding of the antibody to it’s target occurs in the plasma compartment and is handled by the full target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) approach with the following parameters:

  • BL_target: Baseline target concentration (nM)
  • KD_target: Equilibrium dissociation constant (nM)
  • KOFF_target: Rate constant of dissociation of the antibody-target complex (1/day)
  • KDEG_target: Degradation rate of the free target (1/day)
  • KINT_target_AB: Internalization or degradation rate of the antibody-target complex (1/day)

Filgrastim model (Krzyzanski et al. 2010)

Filgrastim is a recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) that stimulates production of neutrophils. The model depicted the decaying trend in Cmax values with repeated doses and an increase in absolute neutrophil count (ANC) consistently with an increase in the G-CSF receptor pool. Simulated time courses of the total clearance exhibited an increasing pattern. The increase in filgrastim clearance on multiple dosing was attributed to the increased neutrophil count in the bone marrow and blood paralleled by an increase in the total G-CSF receptor density.

Draflazine model (Snoeck et al, 1999)

The red blood cell/plasma distribution of draflazine (a nucleoside transport inhibitor which is cardioprotective due to potentiation of receptor mediated effects of adenosine in the ischemic myocardium) was non-linear and characterized as a capacity-limited specific binding to the nucleoside transporter on the red blood cells. Binding to the nucleoside transporter on red blood cells is an important determinant of the pharmacokinetics of draflazine and a high degree of occupancy of the transporter by draflazine is required to inhibit adenosine breakdown ex vivo. It is suggested that the red blood cell nucleoside transporter occupancy may serve as a useful pharmacodynamic endpoint in dose ranging studies with draflazine.


Is e-Campsis validated ?

e-Campsis is being developed with quality in mind through object-oriented programming and automatic unit tests of key functions. This drastically reduces the occurrence of bugs and regressions when the software is updated.

However, e-Campsis is a graphical user interface that facilitates the set-up of simulations and does not do any calculation itself. The actual “work” is done by the open-source packages campsis, campsismod and others in the background. Simulations of almost all library models with campsis - which uses mrgsolve or rxode2 as the back-end simulation engine - have been successfully verified against simulations with NONMEM. In addition, users of e-Campsis pro will have the option to obtain an qualification suite to ensure accurate functioning of campsis packages in their local environment.

Is there a discount of the pro version for academia ?

We support research at universities and other academic institutions by a significantly reduced subscription fee of 500 Euros per year for up to 5 named users in your research group. No additional discount applies on top of this offer. For teaching we think that the free version should already cover your needs. If not let us know.

Download and fill out this order form and send it to:

How can I implement more complex dosing regimens including, e.g. a loading dose ?

You can enter up to 4 administration events in the user interface. If you need more this can be done in e-Campsis pro via the ‘Custom dataset’ option in the trial design tab. There you can directly provide campsis code in of more complex dosing and observation regimens. Have a look here for instructions how to do it.

Can I simulate categorical data, like time-to-event models?

Yes, you can! Have a look here.

And inter-occasion variability?

Also possible with e-Campsis pro, see here.

I need to simulate response-triggered dose-adaptation, is this possible?

Currently e-Campsis does not support this feature. However, this is totally possible with the so called ‘interruption events’ in campsis. See here for instructions how to do it.

I’m used to code my simulations in mrgsolve (rxode2) why should I switch ?

With Campsis you can do the same things as with these other packages AND MORE:

  • Convenient setup of simulation designs in e-Campsis
  • Live and interactive simulations in team meetings (or do you enjoy coding in front of the clinical lead?)
  • Consistent, human readable and well-structured R-code, facilitating project handover.

By the way, Calvagone offers a model translation and implementation service. Just get in touch and we will help you in translating your important models and simulation scripts to the Campsis environment.


Click here to read the documentation of e-Campsis.

Tips and tricks and “How to” guides can be found here.


An introduction to e-Campsis - The free PK/PD simulator

Preview of e-Campsis Pro and updates to Free

e-Campsis pro for Pharmacometricians

Handling of time-units

Post-processing and summary statistics

Forest plots

The Christmas party simulator